...at least in the Southern Hemisphere, but no, I don't feel this means my happiness will be flushed away... As
Amy suspected, my moods are affected by seasonal change, so perhaps I am a bit flat due to less sunshine, perhaps I'm just plain tired...maybe I'm hormonal! (Men
can be affected by changing hormonal levels you know!) One of my colleagues (Hi Jana Banana!) at work had read my last post and said to me yesterday..."Are you feeling less hormonal today Cam?" - making me laugh, because on re-reading my last post, I did seem to be on a bit of a whinge-fest, but hey, I was just stating how I felt at the time...to clarify my groan about having to go to work, I actually love my work, It's just the
getting there that I sometimes have trouble with! Thanks
Melissa and
Jer for leaving a message in my
Guest Book ~ I only just discovered those entries....I should really check it (and my emails) more often I suppose...also thanks to
Pedro who also visited and left a guest book message. Pedro is another emergency nurse, who lives in the States, and whose workplace sounds far scarier than mine to work in (judging from some of the posts I have read in his blog). More soon...have to go to bed, as I am tired...Stay well and good everyone.
Keep feeling better, Cam! Yep...get your rest..that helps! Off to take a gander at the photos now!
Take Care, Amy
This commenting bit is odd. The page looks good, though.
I had no idea men got hormonal but I'll bet you can't hold a candle to a woman in that sense. We've cornered the market on hormonal.
Yep, it's a strange beast this commenting thing Kat. I tried to reply before (to your reply) but it wouldn't let me in)
Hope you are healthy and happy!
Hi. My brother is an emergency nurse at the RAH, so I totally respect the fact that you get up and go to work each day.
I like your use of the background image, much more interesting than a lot of other blogspot pages!
dj (sorry, i don't need another account!)
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