Testing Tags ~ for example Photography
Technorati has started implementing tag referencing. Now even though I'm not all that sure I know what all this means, I think it has to do with helping people find things relevant to their interests on the web more easily. For example, if I wanted to help direct people interested in my Photography to the appropriate place (ie my photoblog in this case) I would include a "tag" in the link in the form of rel="tag" (with Photography as the main subject of that tag)
Now, apparently technorati, as it trawls the web, will pick up on this rel="tag" in the link and look at the Photography between the a href tags and say "This link is related to photography!" Anyone looking at technorati's Photography tags on their site will supposedly see a referral to the link including the Photography tag. So after I post this, a reference to this post should hypothetically appear on that tag page at Technorati. Those of you already familiar with the way del.icio.us works will probably already know about tagging...
Read more about technorati tags here.
About 15 minutes later:

..as you can see from the above screengrab, this post ended up in the appropriate reference place for Photography tags at Technorati, just as I predicted! Myahahahaha! Today tags, tomorrow...
P.S. Meg and Stu have commented recently on difficulties commenting...(yes I know the inherent difficulties with that last statement) - sorry guys, I think it may be a blogger bug, but beyond that I offer "no comment"
well, let's see how well it works...
seems to be wroking fine...
Thanks Gary! I've been meaning to tell you, for some reason your site just does not want to load in Safari. I haven't tried out any other browsers on the mac yet, but I'll let you know...
Sorry to hear that TFS isn't working in Safari -- I don't have a mac (or know anybody who has one) so I can't play with it, but if I get a chance I'll see if I can fix whatever it is...
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