New Blog/Photoblog for me...

Well, I have been very remiss at updating this poor old blog haven't I? My apologies to anyone who have been visiting still to see if there was anything happening.
Truth be told, life has been happening, as ususal, as it happens to all of us lucky enough to still be around (those who aren't probably wouldn't be reading this, but I keep an open mind to all potential realities)
ANYHOW - I have been maintaining an online exsistence elsewhere, concentrating on my medium format "toy camera" photography with an associated blog, as I seem to be mainly concentrating on photography when I'm not working these days, secondary to my domestic and familial responsibilities of course! If you are not sure exactly what I mean by Toycamera Photography then visiting my new site should clear things up (hopefully)!
You can find my latest online distractions at this site:
I hope you like what you see and read there
Labels: medium format, new blog, photography, seagull,, toycameras
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