Thanks Susan and Ben

I would like to thank Susan Burnstine from outafocus for being such a nice person and fellow camera afficianado - today the Empire Junior she raffled (and I won) on her site arrived by post! Cool! I even managed to load the 120 film (which susan also generously supplied) without busting it. Now to get some black masking tape for the light leaks she warned me about!
Stay tuned for some 120 photos from this cute little camera (refer to image of me very happy with aforementioned camera) While I'm at it, I would like to thank Ben from PhotoSydney for the beautiful Lomo Supersampler print of waves crashing on rocks that he sent me...I am lucky, i am blessed...thank you Susan and Ben
In the UH-OH category...we went into the city last night for the Melbourne Comedy Festival, I was hoping to get some family/friends shots at the restaurant/club we were going to with Fisheye. The cameras flash-ready light came on after that wheeeeeeeee sound it makes when it's the flash? What happened to the flash? No Flash?! I changed batteries when we got home, but no luck, I don't think it's a battery or battery contact issue, as the charging sound happens and the ready light goes on - I think the flash is dead. Damn...I will be trying to salvage the shots sans flash by rewinding the spool a bit to get some 2xExposures on those ones...I know I could just use the camera in daylight shots, but that's not the point, I have only had the camera 6 days.
Time to contact the shop for an exchange.
Congrats on the raffle win. Post up when you have something from the new camera.
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