Saturday, April 30, 2005

Not much Blogging

...lately, but I have been taking lots of photos. Did I mention that I found Dad's old polaroid camera? It's pretty cool, even though it costs $2.50 a print (that's with SX-70 film) I've also been taking photos with the Empire Junior (see post below) but haven't finished the roll yet. Then there's the Lomo cameras (The LC-A, Supersampler and the Fisheye) each with their own unique attributes...
In other news, I hope that Ben and BourbonBird are feeling better soon...hell, I hope I'm feeling better soon too! Me me me...blogging can be so narcissistic can't it?
On a less introspective note I noticed a good link on bourbonbird's site Make Poverty History - It's good too see that some people are trying to make a difference...


Blogger Apples said...

Aww, Cameron, thanks! No further reports of poop on my person, so things are looking on the up and up!

Blogging is e-narcissism in its purest form. It's only successful when your life is so interesting/shite/different from everyone else, heh.

Make Poverty History is such a great cause, thanks for noticing!

Truth be told, I used to be a big volunteer for charities and organisations, not really knowing where the money went. Once I got into really checking it out, I found myself a bit disenfranchised and disheartened and really weeded out what I was putting my money, time, and effort towards. Sad, huh?

5/5/05 22:53  

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