Hens Night

This is the journal of an accidental absurdartist, amateur photographer, amateur astronomer, not a bad cook (again, amateur), husband, father, professional nurse and a real life pseudo-intellectual vegetable...
and gradually posting them here on a new page at my other site "big.farty-pants.com" I think I shall start a "sketchblog" ~ Today I have initially scanned and uploaded two of my drawings that I did in my 20's. I had a collection of blank out of date diaries which I used to draw in (as well as generally fill the rest of it full of emotional angst, surrealistic stream-of-consciousness, testosterone driven fantasies and of course, punk poetry)...I will add more drawings from that era that I think are relatively amusing or entertaining, or just plain relevant to me...as well as posting my current sketches and drawings as well, as I have been inspired to continue to draw by Danny Gregory whose book I received in the mail with great delight today and which I have practically devoured already....
Stavros the Wonderchicken said this:
test...OK, I've worked it out meg, it was a coding fault on my behalf. added 7th Feb: The slideshow actually works in blogspot, and I have had it up for about a week, but have removed it now to speed load time (hopefully) The original problem was that the script didn't want to share the body onload with another statement that I neglected to remove ~ one that basically told my "latest thing" DOM object image to be invisible on load, but as it's parameter is set to visibility:hidden anyway I think it wasn't needed...just going to check that in a couple of other browsers beside IE!
Here is my Slideshow I couldn't get it to work in the blog proper*, my images weren't loading so I put it on a separate page...
perhaps, I'll stop being such a sook. T.G.L.O. and I had just finished watching "About a Boy" and neither of us cried in it even once...but then we started talking about how cute our children were, and how my eldest daughter was very matter of fact (as only five year olds can be) about how my Dad wasn't around..."He died" as she stated...but then I looked at his photo on the mantlepiece and thought about how he would really really have loved to have known his grandchildren and my wife...(he liked red-heads) and I sort of got a bit teary for a while...I mean it has been 16 years, but I still miss him and always will...I don't know what I'm trying to say here. I think what I want to say is don't dare waste a minute of the day feeling shitty about things if you can help it. Don't miss an opportunity to tell those you care about that you love them, don't forget to dance, skip, whistle and sing at any given moment, just because, just on a whim...don't forget to live, and take part in your own universe, your friends, your family...even those that pass through your life briefly. I suppose that's very much part of the message the film gives too...No one knows when their own universe will come to an end...it is inevitable, so make the most of the time that is given to us...sorry, I'll stop with the maudlin philosophy now...
Congrats to pix, as The Shoe Project makes Yahoos Pick of The Day (for the 19th Jan) See? I said these kind of projects were a good idea! I'm glad to be a small rubbery part of it all....
Michelle of Mandarin Design has this article on her site: Accessibility is Boring! ...it has gradually dawned on me that my blog probably wasn't all that accessible (hopefully not too boring however!) So I have spent the good part of today attempting to make it more accessible for say, visitors who have less-than-perfect vision...I have addressed the text size issue mainly. Most browsers I know have text size adjustment capabilities...sometimes Ctrl and the Mouse-Wheel will change the size of the text. Getting all the elements on the page to not look too jumbled on a page like this, which has graphics as well, wasn't easy for a non-web designer like me. Remember, I just do this stuff in my spare time, I am really a nurse by profession...and nurses don't study a lot of web-design during their education, or job...having said that I do know of one nurse who resides in Melbourne who does a smashing job of web-design. He works on a Mac...I am starting to think that all Mac owners have inherent talent for design stuff...
I really missed my "Latest Thang" - I had a thing about it...sure, the random image script above is ok, but it's too small for my taste...I like BIG GRAPHICS, but they screw up the layout of the page somewhat...("You call this page layed-out?" I hear you cry...ah, yes...point taken...) So...I forced myself to look into this Document Object Model thing and code some into my page...so now I have this little thumbnail of a latest graphic thang, be it a photo or artwork of mine - which you can click to get the larger picture up on page, as the thumbnails don't really have the potential to show much do they? Click on the thumbnail to toggle the large image on/off, or you can just click on the large image itself to disappear it...at the current time the image is of some graffiti I photographed back in the late 1990's, which adorned a concrete retaining wall on the west bank of the Yarra River, along the bike path between Bridge Rd and Victoria St. This particular artwork was approximately 2.5 x 3.5 metres in dimension. In the old days the good-looking one and I lived almost opposite this great example of urban graffiti, over on the other side of the river...we did a lot of bike-riding and walking along that bike path back then...
I found this link on a friend's Live Journal site I thought the results were sufficiently amusing to post, with some modifications, as I'm not a L J user and didn't want my characters to be preceded by little-head icons...
In this action packed rollercoaster, PunkClown (John Malkovich) is a Canadian police officer with a desire for revenge. He needs to find PunkGirl (Nicole Kidman) before his archenemy, The Matron (Angelina Jolie), employs her. Following a chain of very obvious clues, he sneaks into an underground submarine with no thought to his own personal safety. Guns, women, and no plot; this movie has it all.
I have made use of a variation of the css div style on my blog title, the application of which meg of Mandarin Design shared in her post here recently. I notice it works in IE, but not Mozilla...the text looks jagged with the filter on my browser...This shadow filter also works in IE if you wrap it around an image as seen here (example of an image with the shadow filter css div style applied)...
and too tired to write anything intelligible about today. Suffice to say the monitored area was rather constant with a steady flow of potential myocardially infarcted or otherwise compromised patients, all of who had the unfortunate timing of developing symptoms this afternoon whilst I was on shift...I mean, the cheek! side note: I love it when patients relatives say "Good Luck! He's so hard to get an I.V. (intravenous cannula) in, everyone has trouble!" and you get one in first go!
Well now I have confirmed that has worked, I would like to thank everyone for their holiday wishes. I would also like to thank Maritta, Mitzie and also James and his family for visiting my site and leaving recent entries in my guest book! I also want to thank (some time after the fact, but better late than never) Colin and Graham as well who visited and signed in last month...Thanks People! ~ Yeah, I know, I'm sure sometimes I sound like I'm making an Oscar acceptance speech - it's just I'm continually amazed that anyone visits my little node in the vast web at all! *grin* Work tonight was fairly pedestrian and seemed to consist mainly of people who had broken various bones in their upper limbs, the poor souls...
Work this morning wasn't too bad, a few people sleeping off hangovers in the department, but it was quite civilised!