Congratulations to Kate and Richard!

This is the journal of an accidental absurdartist, amateur photographer, amateur astronomer, not a bad cook (again, amateur), husband, father, professional nurse and a real life pseudo-intellectual vegetable...
the longest post title I have ever done) ~ First let me say to Meg Happy Birthday!, sorry I'm late! Can I then say to Kat, not only congratulations on finally getting a message through on the recalcitrant enetatation, but congrats on winning the "Title My Untitled NanoWriMo Novel" contest at Utter Wonder! I hope that lottery ticket does well for you too!
beautiful day today ~ the sun is out, the skies are blue, it's beautiful and so are isn't raining in my heart however. Hopefully it's pumping still, but no rain...which reminds me...via The Edge:
Thank you to Linda, of pernicious bloggage by chlora form the cat fame...Hey, anyone who puts a word like pernicious in their blog name has got to be cool! She popped in and signed my guest book leaving this nice message:
~ as my modem decided to have a wobbly for a while, don't know why...The wife who is the wonderful purchased a new computer desk for me (hell, my first computer desk, I've always gotten by with makeshift desks which were probably bad for posture etc. previously) Most of the afternoon was spent assembling it, as it came flat-packed and in pieces, but luckily I have had much Ikea immersive experience (no it wasn't from Ikea, but it could have been) so the process wasn't as stressful as it might have I have a grrrrooovey new desk and the feng shui of the whole room is much better! However, I digress. Of course it was necessary for the computer to be unplugged and cables rethreaded and so forth...So this was done, but once everything was hooked up again, the little leds on the modem just didn't light up as they usually do. I plugged the little devil into a few different power sockets with no joy, then took it out and whacked it upside its casing a few times...and on trying it after this, it worked [note: I do not advocate use of force against inanimate ( or animate) objects, but in this case it was effective] So here I am, but only to say to anyone from Renderosity who is wondering where I am...I'm here, I just tried to check in on the 2D forum and the site was down for the scheduled maintenance, so apologies, but I will get to the threads tomorrow (as I'm going to bed soon) To you people and to everyone else: peace love and mungbeans!
~ where does time go? I seem to let it slip through my fingers these wife says I spend a lot of time "futzing" (as she calls it) on the computer...time wasting, I think she Dial up contributes to a hell of a lot of futzing time I think... ah...what a strange sad, happy, sad few days...but I feel tired at the moment. Of course you do you silly man - it's gone past 2400hrs! Some things that reinvigorates me: Sunshine, Children's laughter, running my fingers through my wife's hair, friends words...Some things that amaze me...other peoples resilience in times of trouble, others capacity to help others when their well is nearly dry....things like that. Another thing that amazes me is the amount of boundless energy, good vibes and creativity that can be packaged into one human being ~ like my friend Meli!
~ He got through the night ok, and seemed fine this morning, but we went out for a few hours this afternoon, whilst the G.P. (grandparents) looked after the children. We left him him cheeping away in his box, only to return to find him dead. Perhaps he was sick to start with, he never seemed exactly quite right, no doubt in shock...we'll never know I suppose...anyway Jane & I buried him in the garden. The eldest child was a bit upset, but she is pretty realistic about things bless her. We still have the goldfish, cat and the chickens to keep us on our toes...poor quack was just not meant for this world obviously...
~ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom....OK, Indy is fun, but...hell I've seen it how many times now? Oh, the Movie Show with Margaret and David...gotta love those two, and they do fairly good movie reviews as well, if only I could get decent reception for SBS...Ah now, here's an interesting one...Hairy Women. A documentary with nudity and sex references... *raises eyebrows a millimetre or two* Ummm...the perennial favorite of course: Home Shopping but too late for me, and I'm afraid I'm not a very good consumer really...
~ Thanks Kat at Mostlyfluff for visiting and signing my guestbook. I was reading her last hallowe'en blog earlier ~ The Witching Hour Draws Nearer and it really reminded me of some of the photographs I have seen at very cool photography...just right to go with the mood of Kat's story!
After our sad news this am, we packed the children in the car to go and visit my sister-in-law Beth and her partner Paul (we had planned this a while back) The eldest was going for a sleepover with her auntie. They live in Elwood, quite close to the beach which would have been nice if the weather was a bit more clement, but as it was bitterly cold winds were lashing and thunder-clouds threatening. We went for a walk on the beach anyway.
~ My wife told me something that made me feel sad and a bit angry this morning. Apparently one of our neighbours shot and killed the butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus) that frequents (or used to frequent) our abode...Mrs PC had noted that the little fella hadn't been around much lately, and our neighbour's wife (who teaches Piano to the good-looking one) told her what her husband had done, apparently because the bird had been bombing them or some such rot...I mean shoot the poor thing? How about getting the garden hose out and spraying it with water? Why does the Alpha male homo-sapiens have to respond to every irritation or perceived threat with violence?